Sexual Health is an important part of physical and mental health, as well as emotional and social well-being.
The Sexual Health Community team provide services in the community which aims to meet the needs of the Public Health Outcomes Framework, including:
- Reducing the late diagnosis of HIV
- 1:1 Support
- Reducing teenage pregnancy
- Sex and Relationship Education
Our team work with communities and professional services, such as substance misuse services to increase knowledge about HIV prevention and provide access to rapid HIV testing.
We support Faith Leaders and Barbershops to promote safer sex messages about STI prevention, testing and increased access to condoms.
Our trained workers are able to offer 1 to 1 support for people who feel that they are putting themselves at risk by the choices that they have made in their relationships and with the sex they choose to have.
We also offer 1 to 1 support for young people who are at risk of pregnancy or poor sexual health outcomes.
For more information about the eligibility criteria and how to refer visit our referrals page.
Our trainers have developed an evidence based sex and relationships programme for young people called "Let's Talk RSE" (formerly “Girl Talk Boy Talk”) in partnership with Hampshire County Council. This programme includes work on sexual health, contraception, healthy relationships, consent and online safety. This is delivered to single gendered targeted groups of young people in identified schools or community settings.
Our community team offers support to teenage parent services and organisations. This involves sex and relationship education work with this target group to reduce unwanted repeat conceptions and onward referrals to our specialist outreach team for contraception.
Our trainers are able to provide bespoke RSE programmes based on the needs of identified groups. The team is made up of qualified and experienced trainers who are able to provide bespoke professionals training on request.
We are also able to advise individual professionals on other services and onward referrals.
Contact information
Please email your details including your name, organisation, job title, email and telephone number to shpnetworks.
Please email your details including your name, organisation, job title, email and telephone number to SexualHealthPromotionPractitioner
please email your details including your name, organisation, job title, email and telephone number to SexualHealthTraining
Please also include any queries.