Skills & Confidence in Relationships and Sex Education Training

Relationships and sex education (RSE) provides an essential foundation and is an important part of young people's lives. Effective RSE supports people, throughout their life, to develop safe, fulfilling, and positive relationships, respecting themselves and others. It also helps young people develop knowledge and skills to make informed decisions regarding their own sexual wellbeing and relationships. As a result of effective RSE, young people have improved sexual health outcomes, including reduction of regretted sexual activity, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unplanned pregnancy. Since the introduction of mandatory RSE in 2020, education establishments and young people's services have been obligated to improve RSE for young people. Including Sexual Health services is an essential part of effective RSE.

It is essential that staff can help children and young people develop confidence in talking, listening, and thinking about sex, relationships, and sexual wellbeing. From building confidence and self-esteem, learning effective communication around consent and being able to identify positive and safer relationships. Ensuring professional confidence and competence in delivering effective RSE is essential.  Teachers and other staff may need to overcome their own anxieties and embarrassment to do deliver RSE effectively. Skills and confidence training offers an opportunity for staff to develop and enhance their delivery of effective RSE.

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