‘RSE’ Talking About Relationships and Sex with Young People, incorporating ‘Get It On’ Condom Scheme and Pregnancy Testing.
This course will be delivered over one face to face session in partnership with Solent Sexual Health and Hampshire County Council. It will give an overview of the Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) statutory guidance, sexual consent, joining the ‘Get It On’ condom scheme, pregnancy test training, identifying local services promoting positive relationships for all young people and accessing Sexual Health Services. We will also show how to support and enable participants to feel more confident in communicating with young people on issues of sexual consent; contraception and STI testing.
RSE and GiO Training Learning Outcomes
- Increase understanding of the Law relating to delivering RSE in different settings
- Explore key factors that may impact on young people’s sexual health
- Increase knowledge & understanding of Fraser Guidelines, Confidentiality & sexual consent
- Increase confidence to engage and communicate with young people about RSE topics and sexual health wellbeing
- Explore the impact of sexuality, disability, neurodivergence, culture, and ethnicity on young people
- Update knowledge on contraception, emergency contraception, sexually transmitted infections, PrEP & PEP
- Utilise the ‘Let’s Talk About It’ & ‘Get it On’ websites to access professional training, resources and key functions to increase young people’s access to sexual health services county wide
- Increase confidence to promote and distribute condoms and pregnancy tests
- To be able to support and offer pregnancy tests to all young people
Ordering Resources
Please see resources that are necessary to make GiO orders (once you have completed the training).
If you try to order without completing the relevant training, your order will not be fulfilled.