GIO Scheme

Get it On (GIO) is the condom distribution scheme running across Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton. Anyone under 25 can get free condoms from lots of different organisations when they have a GIO C-Card.

A Get it On venue has professionals that have been trained to work with young people about their sexual health and relationships and who can provide young people with their GIO C-Card.

Get It On logoType of venues that have signed up to the scheme include:

  • Voluntary organisations
  • Youth services
  • Pharmacies (Hampshire Pharmacies can issue c-cards. Southampton, Portsmouth and Isle of Wight Pharmacies cannot issue c-cards)
  • GP Surgeries

Being a GiO Venue

If you would like to join our GIO scheme and become a participating venue please sign up to the relevant location RSE training session.

These sessions are face to face and run regularly through the year. 

Click here on how to sign up to a RSE Training Session

Community venues who wish to join the scheme must have at least one trained professional. The trained worker will need to attend the RSE training (or equivalent) in order to participate.

Organisations in Hampshire can find out more about the training (including booking information) through the Hampshire Get It On. Training registration instructions for non-school venues can be read here. Virtual training will soon be available via the Hampshire Learning Zone

(Pharmacies and GP surgeries do not need to attend the training).

If you have recently joined or are are already delivering the scheme, and did not receive your starter pack at your training, please complete an order form below and write you are requesting a starter pack.

To place an order for condoms, pregnancy tests and other resources such as C-Cards, please download and return the relevant order and monitoring forms to us.

Monitoring data needs to be returned to us every 2-3 months.

How To Contact Us

Promotional Team

You can contact the Promotions Team regarding orders and promotional items at 

Training Team

Contact the Training Team with any questions regarding training dates, training information or specialised training at 

Make sure you let others know about you

Patients can find a list of GIO Venues in Hampshire here

*If you are not listed please email your details to

If you are a Southampton City, Portsmouth City or Isle of Wight service, email to