British Pregnancy Advisory Service
If you are pregnant and are unsure about what to do, you can contact the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) who can help you decide whether having an abortion is the right choice for you.
To make an appointment contact (BPAS) on 03457 304 030. BPAS will be able to find you a date and time that safely meets your needs.
If you would like more information, please visit the BPAS website.
For patients on the Isle of Wight: You can now self-refer by contacting BPAS on the number above. You do not need to see your GP for a referral.
Pregnancy Options Centre
For free, unbiased help and support for unplanned pregnancy, post abortion and pregnancy loss.
The Pregnancy Options Centre offers a free counselling session to anyone facing an unplanned pregnancy, giving them time and space to explore their thoughts and feelings in a safe, non-judgemental environment. We also provide longer term support for those who are struggling post-abortion or pregnancy loss.
There are two counselling centres, which are based in accessible, yet discreet, locations in Chichester City Centre and central Portsmouth. Both will see patients from outside areas if you are struggling to be seen locally.
Telephone: 01243 784177
Mobile: 07843 543792