Sexual Assault - Consent and the law

If you are asleep, unconscious (passed out) or so out of it that you can’t make a decision for yourself then you cannot consent. Whatever anyone does to you while you are in this state is done without your permission and that makes it a crime.

The sedative properties of some drugs – especially G – can leave a person incoherent or comatose, and unable to give their sexual consent.

Just agreeing to meet up with someone via an app or stepping through the door into a sauna or chemsex party/chillout does not mean you are agreeing to whatever anyone else wants to do. You have to work it out as you go along. And the law says you can change your mind at any point.

Do what you both want. If it isn’t what you both want – or you aren’t sure – the best advice is stop, wait, give yourself time to talk, listen and think.

If you believe you have been sexually assaulted – help is available

Make an appointment to see one of our nurses or doctors for non-judgmental advice and support.

You may decide to report the assault to the Police.  Dial 101 (or 999 if you are in immediate danger).

  • Treetops – Sexual Assault Referral Centre
    This service is available to all people living in Hampshire and Isle of Wight. All our staff are specially trained to provide sensitive and well informed support in a non-judgmental manner. We will ensure you are treated with dignity and respect at all times.
  • National LGBT+ sexual assault advice
    Galop provides confidential and independent advice and support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people who have experienced sexual assault, abuse or violence, however or whenever it happened:

    Call: 0207 704 2040 or

Local sexual assault support & counselling services

Basingstoke & North Hampshire

Portsmouth and South East Hampshire

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