Tell your HIV clinic about your chems use. They will not be judgmental, and can give you advice regarding drug interactions and safer chems use.
Some medications interact with chems, and may increase your risk of accidental overdose (going under) and death. For advice about interactions with your HIV medications, ask in clinic, or phone the HIV pharmacy team on 0300 300 2016. You can check for some interactions here.
It is important to keep taking your medications regularly even during a chemsex session. Most medications need to be taken at roughly the same time every day in order to ensure they work effectively. Be sure to take enough medications with you (take more than you think you will need).
Some medications require you to eat food when you take them, to ensure they are absorbed correctly. Take food with you.
Remember to drink plenty of fluids, as some HIV medications can increase your risk of kidney stones. It is common to become dehydrated when high on chems.