General Tips: Harm Reduction

It is always safest not to take unknown or illicit drugs at all. 

However, if you do decide to use chems, here are some tips for playing as safely as possible:

  • Get screened for STIs every 3 months including HIV and hepatitis C. If you live in Hampshire, are aged over 18, and do not have any symptoms – you can order your online test kit.
  • Ensure you have been vaccinated against Hepatitis A and B.
  • USE CONDOMS every time you have anal sex. No matter if you’re the top or bottom both parties are responsible. Keep a good supply with you at all times and change them regularly (after 30 minutes maximum) and for each different partner.  You can order condoms here.
  • Establish a set of clear boundaries while sober about what you are not prepared to do sexually while taking chems. You can refer to these boundaries later when you are high.
  • Always discuss your sexual boundaries with partners before you have sex. Negotiate what level of risk you both are willing to take. Remember, it can be really difficult to be honest and clear when you are high.
  • Play with someone you trust, if possible, as your judgment can be dramatically impaired on chems.
  • Don’t play for too long – paranoia and hallucinations can be common on your second day awake.
  • Don’t play too regularly if you want to avoid depression, weight loss and psychological dependence.
  • If you want some support to cut down or play more safely, you can arrange to see one of our health advisors for 1-1 support. Please contact 0300 300 2016 and ask to speak to the Health Advising Team.